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The Economic Machine

So I want to introduce you to Ray Dalio.

Ray Dalio is an American billionaire  investor, hedge fund manager and philanthropist. Dalio is also the founder of investment firm Bridgewater Associates which one of the world's largest hedge funds. The reason I am highlighting him in my blog is due to his economic template which he discusses in a video titled “ How the Economic Machine Works in 30 minuets”. 

I must have watched this video 2 dozen times and it continues to fascinate me. What I get most out of this video is how as memebers of Economic classes below $100,000 that we need to educate ourselves in order to plan our escape. 

So please take sometime and watch the video (and if you’ve seen it before, check it out again) and hopefully you can take something positive away and use the information to increase you Financial IQ. 

The video is here:


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