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14 tips for marketing your business on Facebook

So what’s the answer?

So what is the answer? How do we escape? For 10 years or so I have been involved in various business with the word “marketing” in the title. I’ve had the pleaseure of working and meeting a lot of great and professional people. I’ve learned a lot from them and have used what I’ve learned. 

One thing that has come out of all this is the concept of multiple streams of income. That having just one income over the course of 40 years is no longer the norm and certainly a thing of the past. So, to answer the question: the answer is multiple sreams of income. 

So how do we obtain multiple streams of income? 

There are many ways. However, the one I focus on currently is online and digital marketing. So far the easiest and most accessible entrepreneurial business anyone can get into. Accessible to the extent that your efforts are significantly reduced comparable to the challenges faced by marketers 10 years ago. 

Follow my blog as I plan to expand on this theme and bring to light the benefits of online marketing and highlight this business as the way we get out. 

Terence Anglin


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